Have you been curious about project management but have not had the time or opportunity for training? Well here’s your chance! Based on a generous in-kind donation from the Project Management Institute Educational Foundation (PMIEF), 37 licenses for online project management training have been granted to CARE USA staff members. The Enterprise Project Management Office will supplement the online training with monthly Project Management Best Practice Sharing Sessions*, where participants will be introduced to CARE-specific project management tools/templates while sharing (and learning about) project management best practices.
Applications are due by Friday, December 14 – and responses will be sent to all applicants by Friday, December 21.
Please note that priority will be given to candidates with the following attributes:
- Leading and/or actively participating in a strategic project (i.e. one of the Bold Move or Organizational Pillar Initiatives) or critical operational project
- Commitment to complete all modules of the Online Training (12 hours in total) by March 31, 2019
- Commitment to actively participate in monthly Best Practice Sharing Sessions
- Commitment to apply learnings from the Online Training and Best Practice Sharing Sessions to daily work
- Willingness to share experiences to validate success of the program, as we will be featured in an upcoming issue of PMI Today, showcasing this first-ever in-kind donation from PMIEF
*For the Project Management Best Practice Sharing Sessions, we will be extending invitations also to CARE USA staff members who had the opportunity to attend in-person project management training via a previous grant from PMIEF (focused on project management capacity building for emergency and humanitarian response).
Have any questions? Email USAProjectManagementOffice@care.org
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